Tips seller Inspiring hard work

Hai dear,

Love to work is one thing talking about interest in work. Sales requires a long time hard work day in and out day and throughout the year to achieve their respective goals. The sale does not happen just that. They are made to happen. It found that 80 percent of all sales made after the fifth call; 48 per cent of all sales person call at all, and stopped; 25 percent of calls twice and stopped; 10 percent continue to call and this 10 per cent to 80 per cent of sales. Every night she goes to bed, need to think and plan for the work next day. It involves working on Saturday and Sunday are not like other people who enjoy the weekend.

The findings of the working patterns indicate that the salesman at an average of 46.5 hours of work a week. A lot of work through lunch 31 per cent (14.30 hours) of time he spent on the face to face contact with existing customers, 25 percent (11.60 hours) go to prospecting for new clients and working with existing customers by telephone: 18.5 per cent (8.50 hours) go in to wait and travel; 15 per cent (rm7.20 hours) spent on administrative tasks, meetings and paper work; 11.0 percent (5.30 hours) spent on call service. In other words, rather than twenty-four hours of the day, he works for 14 to 16 hours. This is not just spend time but investment, loyalty and commitment. It is tolerance, fighting for work is called the hard work that has no proper substitute that gives green signal to a larger degree to succeed.

Thank to read..

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