4 types of income categories

Hai dear,

Financial advisers and many coaches and renowned figures will tell you which to really achieve financial freedom, you must have enough passive income over and above your expenses. Nice it sounds, right?

To ease you understand, income can be divided into four categories (although some argue more): the income portfolio income, income dituaskan, active and passive income.

1. Active income, as you can imagine, it is income that requires you to appear to get wages, moneys derived as a result of individual energy and time itself. This is how most people live their lives – as an employee.

2. Portfolio Income is interest, dividend and capital gains came from ownership of shares, bonds and unit trusts. For example, fixed deposits, ASB, ASW, ASG and others. Depositors can earn up to 7% of total deposits.

3. Revenue income generated when an activity which can generate more money by attracting the number of targeted audience. Speaker in a course or Conference, for example, may preferably with trying to arrange and give speeches to 20 people like 1,000 people but can earn more money with larger groups.

4. passive income is income that requires an initial investment in advance and then continue to earn residual income again and again while the involvement of directly from business owner gets reduced. This initial effort like you create a money machine bring in money on an ongoing basis with the participation of physically depleting.
Thank to read..

Read : 4 types of income categories - madam2u Online

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