Think of the budget to succeed

Hai dear,

In reality there are many more ways to save your money from

wasted so only. It point of awareness and

careful financial planning.

However, don't just plan your expenses with rationality. Thoroughly

Each inbound and outbound flow, does it meet the budget and our need per day?

Make sure you keep the ' savings ' at least 10% of your income per month in place of Islamic investment profitable.

If you have a problem the deficit or debt, that means need tighter solutions in order to resolve your debt with more structured

Don't forget to give zakat and charity Charitable Endowment

because it's one of the secrets stored where Allah swt will

multiply the income for those who menginfaqkan their property to the path of fisabilillah airport.

Hereby we wish hopefully all tips-these tips will facilitate you financial planning better next to a more successful future.

Thank to read..

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