Avoid credit card fraud

Hai dear,

Credit card fraud can result in you and your credit card issuer suffered large losses. Credit card issuers always frauds against fraud and have taken security measures to protect you. However, you should also take the necessary measures to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of fraud.
Protect your credit card
-Sign your credit card as soon as you receive it
-Save your credit card at the same place in the wallet or purse so that, if it is lost or stolen, you will notice it immediately
-Do not lend your credit card to anyone
-Do not give credit card details (for example the card number and expiry date) to strangers because it is probable that the information was used to make purchases by phone, mail or the Internet
-Memorise your PIN and never write down the PIN on the back of the card, store it in the wallet or disclose it to others
-Memorise your PIN and never write down the PIN on the back of the card, store it in the wallet or disclose it to others
-Make sure you have cut the credit card has expired into two parts when you get a new
Check credit card transactions to avoid unauthorized transactions
-Check all the details found on the booking transaction slip before signing or verifying per transaction
-Save all your transaction slip and check your monthly statements as soon as you receive it
-Let your credit card issuer immediately if there are any errors or potential unauthorised transactions
-Destroy all slip-slip transactions before you throw it away
Thank to read..

Read : Avoid credit card fraud - madam2u Online

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