Lelong Customer Support.
Salam all,
Refer to the above I would like to ask my confusion at your party Auction Customer Support.
I've got to follow your classes on 02 JULY 2014 and continue to register on that day as a member of the Web Store at Lelong.my with the name of the new ID MAD888 and my question. Is it different with other ID that I use now ID munirahmad888.
This means that I had to use two different ID and I don't want the matter occurred because not able to and want to manage merged at all. Hope the Auction understand things and such things.
I also have email at your party to change my ID name to (madam2U) and endorsed by the and will occur when the Web Store I am active on 30 SEP 2014. My question is on your behalf will change the name ID at MAD888 or munirahmad888.
Additional questions about the name change ID do it bring impact on my account. The you have also sent an email about this and mail delivery to the address I to activate Web account to Store MAD888 is running.
I don't want these things happened and my request on the part of you is change the name of my ID to madam2U from one only my account active is now munirahmad888.I apologize for any inconvenience this confusion going on and by me.
Since my Web account Store is not yet active, it is my request simply use one ID with a new name (madam2U) and activate the Web Store with the name of this ID get attention from on your behalf.
I expect confirmation and answers from your party and my request is approved and hope that the good news from the Lelong.my.
I'm the truth
Customer Lelong.my